Extraordinary God Program
July 14th, 6pm
- Austin Smith will be painting the Kiawah sunset up front throughout the whole service.
- Gathering Music - (David Childs & Emily Richardson on drums; Moore Arts Movement will be by boardwalk welcoming guests to the beach)
- Spirit of the Living God
- Here I Am To Worship
- Grace Flows Down
- Welcome & Recognition of Sponsors & Worship Team (Kristi Smith & Nena Jackson)
- Opening Prayer (Terrance Thrower)
- Worship Set (David Childs, Emily Richardson on drums & Moore Arts Movement will be praise dancing)
- Everlasting God : Brenton Brow
- How Great Is Our God : Tomlin
- You Are My King : Billy Foot
- Overview of the Evening - Kristi Smith & Nena Jackson
- Special Music (Christal Brown-Gibson w/ Girls from 'What Are Little Girls Made Of?' Camp; Moore Arts Movement Praise Dancing
- I Give Myself Away
- Created to Worship
- Special Music (Christal Brown-Gibson with backup singers & Moore Arts Movement praise dancing)
- Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place
- Holy Holy Holy
- Jesus is in this place
- Rap/testimony (Matthew Pridgen)
- Altar Call (David Childs)
- Come Thou Fount
- Closing Song (David Childs, Christal Brown-Gibson, Emily Richardson & Moore Arts Movement praise dancing
- How Great Thou Art : Paul Baloche
***Prayer Ministry will be offered during Altar Call and can continue during and after the closing song (for as long as The Holy Spirit is moving!)
Seeing the program makes our hearts dance for joy as we anticipate the evening! It brings the reality of the event into focus. God has allowed us to participate in something very special and we are overwhelmed with grattitude! Thank you for being a very important part of our team!
- The banner has arrived and will be placed on John's Island at the beginning of next week.
- In addition to T-shirts we will also have string bags available to promote the event.
- We have received additional funding from various sources.
- Advertisement distribution is underway and progressing well.
- The music has been decided on and coordinated between the performers and the dancers.
- A few precious people from Church of Our Saviour have offered to coordinate and provide the meal for the children from The Biblical Center on the night of the performance.
- Church of Our Saviour has offered to be a sponsor of the event and has allowed the funding to flow through their ministry so that the money donated will be tax deductible.
- Pray that the Lord will prepare the hearts of all the people that will attend, whether they are vacationers on the island, people coming from other parts of Charleston or those traveling from out of town.
- Pray for the Lord to bless each person that is a part of our service and their families. Pray for the Lord to give them full protection.
- Pray for God's favor in continuing to provide the money for the fundraising budget.
- Pray for the church leaders that will be contacted to let them know about the event and to invite their members and friends.
- Pray for each aspect of the advertisement that will take place for the event - posters, email blasts, banners, Facebook and flier distribution. Specifically pray for time, ideas for, and locations for posters advertising the event.
- Pray for success of the car wash, confirmation of a date to have it, and that Brianna's friends will be available to participate.
- Pray that the Lord will fill the buses provided by The Biblical Center with people who want to attend the beach event and need to know the power of a Living God.
- Pray for a vision for prayer services prior to and after the event.
- Pray in faith that the Lord will provide beautiful weather for this event.
- Pray for all aspects of the technical equipment to work well from set up to completion of event.
- Pray for traveling mercies for every one involved and for everyone to remain in good health.