So I did what I have done many times and I layed out a fleece like Gideon. The Lord brought to mind the scripture "Be still and know that I am God" so I asked him to convince me by showing it to me.

Later that morning I went to Christmas village with my sister and gasped when I saw a hand painted sign with that verse on it. Wow, God, that was quick!. But this is BIG so could you do it again?
During the week, I picked up a devotional book of a coworker's and the devotional I opened to had the scripture in it!!! (Don't miss this, I rarely look at that particular book and what are the chances I would OPEN to a devotional with this scripture in it?) Thank you Lord. I'm beginning to believe. Again?

And then..... the best was yesterday morning when I was reading through the blogs Nena and I have written, reflecting on how God SPOKE Extraordinary God into existence when I first heard Him whisper "Beach", not knowing that Nena had planned Easter beach events on the very beach that He was speaking about, how His Glory had SHOWN UP, and then I came to a blog Jeff had written. The ONLY blog that Jeff had written! I about fell off the couch when I saw this picture posted on that blog!

If you don't believe me look back at the blog dated May 21, 2013 and appropriately titled "Taking a Stand of Faith".
Isn't it sweet of God to renew my confidence in the fact that He speaks into MY life by my reminding me through the blogs, and then to speak again?!!!!! Extraordinary!!!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!! The God who CREATED THE UNIVERSE SPOKE into my little ole life and convinced me (and later Jeff as I retold him the story) that we no longer had to swim in this creek!!

predictions! We stood in FAITH and it became FACT! We serve an EXTRAORDINARY God!!! It's all over but the rainbows...