We are two Christian women, Kristi Smith and Nena Jackson.
We have been close friends since first grade but drifted a part over the years while raising our families and living in different states. Kristi currently resides in Birmingham, Alabama where she is a cardiac nurse at UAB Hospital, wife and mother of two teenage children. Nena currently resides in Charleston, SC with her husband and is Discipleship Coordinator at Church of Our Saviour on Johns Island. God reunited us in December 2010 to combine efforts in bringing people to Christ.
We are on a passionate pursuit to fulfill God’s mighty and specific ministry calling on our lives. This ministry calling involves leading people to Christ who are following two unique but surprisingly popular belief systems.
- BELIEF ONE: “The Law of Attraction” which is promoted by the book The Secret
- BELIEF TWO: The number 11, which is seen by millions of New Age people around the world as hugely spiritually significant.
Nena received her ministry calling in 2009 when she was a banking technology executive in Columbus, Ohio. She had strayed from God and was struggling through the economic crisis. She read the book, The Secret,
and sensed God strongly speaking to her that millions of people were following the teachings in this book and the Law of Attraction as a quick answer to life’s questions, instead of looking to Christ as their answer. She turned her life back over to Christ after this revelation and wrote a book, Toes in the Sand, that tells the story of what God taught her about having faith in Him instead of the Law of Attraction. God has called Nena into a ministry to reach Law of Attraction followers and point them to Christ, the true ANSWER. She has been astonished at how many people are living their lives believing that they have all the power to bring everything to themselves without God’s help. These people are putting all their desires (houses, cars, money, relationships, etc) out to the Universe and having faith that the Universe will simply bring their desires to them.
Kristi received her ministry calling in 2010 while listening to Mac Powell singing, Salvation is Calling. This occurred moments after her grandfather passed away, concluding a three-year season of ‘end of life’ care giving to her father, grandmother and grandfather. During this season the Lord touched her life through, of all things, the number eleven.
- God’s first touch - Kristi and her husband helped a couple restore their shambled marriage that had decided to pray for their marriage at a randomly chosen time (11:11) each day. After much heartache & prayer, God showed 11:11 to all four at a desperate moment that saved the marriage
- Kristi’s agnostic father accepted Christ 11 days before he died from cancer. He died on 4/11/08
- Kristi and her husband received a large monetary gift (an amount that exactly covered all their debt) 11 days after bringing their full tithes into the storehouse
- Kristi randomly texted Nena on her time zone at 11:11 twice on 1/22/11 – the day that Nena first spoke publicly about her Law of Attraction ministry and also Kristi’s father’s birthday
- Kristi’s daughter, Brianna, saw 11:11 while pouring out her heart to God about a classmate who collapsed due to bleeding on the brain and was fighting for his life.
- God has directed Kristi at numerous key moments to sermons and devotions on Hebrews 11. This chapter is known as the ‘Faith Hall of Fame’ Chapter in the Bible and is a key part of Nena’s ministry.

She could not understand why this number was so prevalent in her walk with Christ and prayed diligently that God would reveal it’s purpose. In 2011, while researching Biblical references to the number eleven she amazingly discovered there were millions of people looking to the number eleven for guidance in life. Unlike the Law of Attraction followers these people had more questions than answers but had drawn bizarre conclusions to the significance of the number eleven. God has called Kristi into a ministry to reach the number eleven followers and point them to Christ, the true ANSWER.
Unbeknownst to Kristi, in November 2011 Nena heard God speaking that she was supposed to join in ministry with one of several Christian women in her life. A few weeks later Kristi had the most impactful experience with the number eleven to date that involved watching a documentary called I Am. This experience actually connected the number eleven to the Law of Attraction, thereby revealing to her that our ministries were joined. We also know you are connected to what God is calling us to do to reach these millions of people that are so lost and confused.
We had been praying for God to show us how to deliver Jesus to these followers as the answer to all of life’s questions. A YouTube video that lasts eleven minutes was something we felt God
nudging us to produce. On the morning of February 2, 2012 we prayed together for God to show us if this eleven-minute video was truly what he wanted us to do. Later that day Nena went to a local meeting in Charleston, SC to meet Julian Batchelor, an evangelist from New Zealand and learn more about his ministry. During this meeting you handed everyone a small card that had the URL address for a YouTube video he had produced to share the Gospel. The URL address was www.Biblein11.com. Underneath the URL address it said, "The whole Bible summarized in 11 minutes". Nena almost fell off her chair.
Praise God! God had delivered His ‘left hook’ through Julian, an Evangelist from New Zealand, 8332 miles away from Charleston, SC and answered a question Kristi had been asking Him for five years!
“How does the number eleven tie to Christ in a way that cannot be debated?” God, who created this Universe, had answered in a dramatic fashion!! We are now carrying our own specially designed
www.Biblein11.com cards so we can share the Gospel with whomever God puts in our path.

On the other side of the cards we have written "Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places?", because we believe that the followers of the number eleven and the Law of Attraction are basically trying to find love that can only be found at the foot of the cross.
God is up to something extraordinary...that we know! We are impressed that the ‘something’ involves Julian and Evangelism Strategies International.
So, was this meeting on February 2 2012 a miracle? You know the answer….