In June 2012, Kristi and Nena were asked to speak at a Church in Charleston, South Carolina. The church was hosting an event called Festival of Joy. We were the last speakers before dinner on Sunday, the final day of the Festival.
We had been asked to show two videos. One was a video of our testimonies ( The other was a video of the gospel which you can see at
They were running very behind and the organizers asked us to shorten our presentation so we prayed right before speaking that God would do what he wanted to do with the time that we had.
When we finished talking there was not time to play our testimony video and the Biblein11 video so we were asked just to play the last 5 minutes of our video. When we finished the gentleman in charge of the Festival said he felt the Holy Spirit moving and that we needed to play the Bible in11 Video and the crowd agreed.
He checked with the festival host to find out what time we needed to be completely done for dinner. He replied, "6 o'clock". Someone else asked, "Well, what time is it?" Brother Dallas looked at his watch and said with an astonished tone, "I promise you it is 11 til 6!"
When Biblein11 finished, the crowd began clapping loudly and it was so beautiful.
We were dismissed right at that moment so Kristi and Nena were not able to have an altar call as we had originally planned.
Afterwards we had people lined up to find out how to direct people to both videos so they could share them with others.
Surely the presence of the Lord was in that place!
We did get to share how the Lord is leading us to give out the Biblein11 cards – especially in hospitals where people are usually acutely aware of their need for Someone bigger than themselves. We often leave them in the chapels and waiting rooms, and even have had the pleasure of giving them directly to people on occasions.
P.S Ideally, we should have had the follow up booklet HOW TO BE SURE OF GOING TO HEAVEN WHEN WE DIE to give out to
everyone who saw the video. In this way, people could have read about what they’d just seen. Julian Batchelor has a website, which is wonderful. He has all this information and a lot of other testimonies as to how God is moving to mobilize his people!
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