Saturday, July 13, 2013

Extraordinary God is here!

The time has arrived and all the prep work for Extraordinary God has been completed. There is one more wonderful piece of the advertisement left to happen which is for The Sanctuary to include our event information in the 'Pillow Turn Down' service for all their guests Saturday night!

We have safely arrived on Kiawah Island and are anxiously awaiting Moore Arts Movement's arrival. (We are beyond blessed that Jerry & Susie Keefe have opened their home up to us for the weekend!) There is a definite buzz in the air about the event and we are humbled to be a part of the Lord's plans. 

NOW...there is just one aspect of the event that is 'interesting' and that is the forecast of rain. A number of people have reached out with concern about rain chances so we immediately went to the Lord in prayer to seek His voice. We knew the Lord had taken us this far on a journey filled with amazing signs and wonders so we knew He also had a plan for the weather. The Lord has gifted us with unwavering faith for every aspect of this event so we began exercising faith that it would not rain Sunday night.

On Wednesday morning (after a wonderful time of faith prayers about the weather for the event) Nena attended a praise & worship service and was turning to one of our theme verses, 2 Chronicles 7:14, that we have been mediating on over the last month. Her eyes were drawn to verse 13 instead. The verse began (we have chill bumps right now as we write about this awesome sign from God)


Wow, God!!! Nena was blown away,

BUT…that wasn’t all the Lord had to say about the weather. 
THEN…Terrance, a dear friend and prayer warrior, then asked Nena to turn to James 5:17 which read, “Elijah was a human being even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.”!!!!!!! 

Additionally, another worshipper, Steve, read a message he had received from his wife (right after Nena shared 2 Chronicles 7:13 and how we were staying in faith about the weather), which said, “Faith is a gift.  God rewards those that exercise it.”

We stand in awe of the fact that we serve a Living God who hears our prayers and speaks into our lives!!! With the event just one day away, we are anticipating mighty works from our Lord…including the weather! We love you Lord!

1 comment:

  1. This is a woncderful testimony as what GOD CAN DO. He definitly in charge of this event using you and Kristi as his tools GOD BLESS YOU BOTH AND ALSO THIS EVENT TO HIS GLORY. mom
