Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The First Day

Monday was our first day of classes. We were greeted by Dr. Frahm and his son Ben. We were encouraged and made familiar with the program and the schedule for the week. Dr. Frahm and Ben are both are very sincere, kind men. They were patient with us and painstakingly answered all of our questions.

We also were introduced to the other people in our group. This is one of their smaller groups and consists of two precious women, one which has advanced ovarian cancer. The other woman is there to support her friend. We look forward to getting to know them better as time goes by.

Listening to Dr. Frahm made me sad for my profession and the medical community at large. So many of the things he said rang true and have been proven true through success story after success story. I am thankful that we personally know one of these "success stories" which diminishes any doubts that might crop up as to the validity of what their program promotes. The things they told us are about treating the causes of cancer instead of the symptoms. They talked about being proactive instead of reactive. They talked of how we are missing some vital nutrients in our American diet and how we are gorging ourselves on things that work against our bodies. The combination has led us down a path to the statistics of 1 in 2 people receiving a diagnosis of cancer during their lifetime. While the cure rates for cancer have increased with traditional medicine, so have the number of people being diagnosed. I know that to be too true! Cancer has come far too close to home. 

My parents died of it, my husband has suffered with it, my next door neigbor is battling it, my across the street neighbor and one of our closest friend's daughter has had victory over it. A precious 3 year old sister of a girl on Brianna's volleyball team is still battling it and the volleyball coach of her travel team has recently been diagnosed with it. And, tragically, the list goes on and on and on.

Additionally, we have been encouraged in our faith and that the Lord is ultimately our "Healer". We are not dismissing in any way the healing prayers that Jeff has had spoken over him in the last couple of weeks. We believe if God had ordained, Jeff's test results up to this point could have shown no trace of cancer with any one of those prayers; and this still could occur. We are persevering in prayer and will be faithful to do so throughout our journey, no matter what path we choose to walk.

Listening has also brought this path into clearer focus. We are leaning towards having surgery to remove the tumor fairly soon and then battling the disease through nutrition and suppliments without chemotherapy for now. We had been advised to have chemotherapy as soon as we returned home, but this has never "sat very well" with our spirits, even though we were reluctantly going along with it. The oncologist's idea was to treat Jeff's disease with chemo prior to surgery so that they would have a visible tumor to monitor the effects of the chemotherapy. Without the tumor there, they would not be able to tell if the chemo regimen was effective or not. It will take 9 weeks of chemo BEFORE they would know. The advantage to this was the chemo would POSSIBLY be destroying the cancer cells that we cannot see on a CT scan as well as working on the tumor; POSSIBLY; 50/50 CHANCE. Additionally, the side effects are 8 on a scale of difficulty with 10 being the most difficult. And, if that is not enough, the oncologist and the surgeon were really not sure which path was best, surgery or chemortherapy.

We have decided to have the surgery because according to knowledge gained through experience, Dr. Frahm and other medical experts have determined that the body does seem to have a hard time fighting a tumor larger than 2 cm. Jeff's tumor last measured at approximately 2.6-2.8 cm. Please know that we have not been encouraged by anyone here to take one road or the other. We have examined the evidence and at this point are going with the decision that seems to make the most sense and that brings the most peace.

We recognize that our choice might cause anxiety in some of our friends and family and will be glad to discuss all of this with anyone that feels lead to share their wisdom with us. We are not 100% sure,at this point, that this is the path we will take and still are praying for wisdom and discernment. We would ask however, that you first would seek the Lord prior to discussing your ideas and concerns with us. We love you all and count you as our warriors in this process. Godspeed!

"Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many." 2 Cor 1:11

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